Sunday, October 21, 2018

Game Vision Statement

Hey guys,

So here’s what my game is.

Genre: Action, adventure and puzzles.

Gameplay: RPG (Role Playing Game) First person.

My game will be a mix of Zelda for puzzles, World of War craft for the RPG and Pokémon for the adventure. I will use these things combined together to make a game that is catching to the players and also a lot less stressful for them.

So my game goes like this: you as the main character will do some little tasks around the bar they start at. Then after you do these tasks you have a cut scene that involves the kingdom either a person injured or a group of other people will come around to the bar and cause an issue.

Through this event you decide to go on adventure to save your kingdom. You go through trails and you meet new people who you can let join you or not. As you the player  goes on this journey you will find treasure chest.

This is where the puzzle game comes in.
For the treasure chest puzzle the harder the puzzle means the treasure is the most rare thing in it. If you fail a puzzle cause you ran out of time that’s find it will respond in a different area with in 2 days. This will give the chance to still get the treasure but after three tries it will be gone and you won’t get it again just so that people will still be interested in the game.

For the characters you can choose which one you want to be like in the Sims games but without the feelings. There will be a health bar for each person but it’s only three per group you will lose a person wither you leave them in the last village you go and saved at. This will mean you won’t be able to complete some of your tasks as that character is important to that part.

For the health bar it will be a basic bar with the colour red inside it but the more health you lose the bar will go down with it. The bar will shrink until you save in a village. This won’t work if you save outside the village you need to be inside it. But for the test run it will be normal so that we can make sure there’s no bugs in the system but the bar.

For the RPG part of the game you get to develop your character as you go along. Now there is a game like that but I can’t seem to remember what it’s called at the moment. But basically you can choose what way you want your character to be improved certain things like swords will turn your character to a knight and if you improve on weapons without a specific weapon you will be an assassin.

Links to sources:émon


  1. Hi Leah, i really like the concept of your game espcialy the random elements you have added like the box respawning else where, i have to say wow i love how you made the theme for the game, all 3 game inspiratons you mentioned are 3 games i love playing myself, espcialy legend of zelda, i like all the idea you came up also for the structure of the game.
    I wonder how this will devlop as a 1st person game, never played an RPG like that i feel it's totaly different and unique to draw users away from the normal and put them into the world themselves, you could even add in a gun or some sort of hunting system like you would in pokemon, i feel like your game has great potential
    Lastly i have to ask what if you added in some sort combat system where you could swap weapons mid combat to combine attacks like one from a knight and an assassin to make a new attack and different weapons do different things? also what if more rare chests had a boss guarding them so that way you would have to work for it?
    all and all a great game idea, i'm really looking forward to seeing what you come up with Leah :)

  2. Hi Leah! I really like the whole concept of your game. I love adventure games plus I can also relate to it because I'm making an adventure game too. It's really interesting that you're inspiration is coming from 3 different games. I like how you have the health bar shrinking unless you save it in a village - that's unique and cool! What if the treasure chests re-spawn the 3 times and you end up never getting to find the rare item? Would it pop up somewhere else or is that it gone out of the game forever? Best of luck with the project :

  3. Hey leah! Hope you are doing well. Love the game concept it sounds like fun and I can not wait for the mix of all the games as I enjoy most of those games. I look forward to seeing how the finished piece comes out
