Sunday, December 2, 2018

Blog comments

Project Feedback

Hey guys,

So looking back at other people's blogs I really enjoyed. I made sure to leave 150 words on all three blogs. Looking at all there game designs and how they have navigated their games is very good on some. I have to say I really like using the randomiser but only some times as they can be a pain cause you have to reload if you have commented on their blogs already but it's very good to use as it explore other people's blogs I will still be using randomiser even if we don't have to use it in future.

Any working on my game I'll talk to you guys soon.

Signing off,



Hey guys,

So change of plans I'm now doing a 2d game since my game is crashing so much. I'm doing a simple mario style dog run where you have to get as many dog treats as you can with out falling. So far it's going ok I'm behind with the game but I should have it caught up in no time I'm sure. Unity has been a pain to me but now I can use it on my laptop yay.

I'll let you know more about it soon. Talk to you later guys.

Signing off,
