Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Workshop 1

The workshop was about traffic lights. In the lecture we were asked to complete an exercise where we had two cars able to pass the lights. We had to figure how to get the traffic moving in just one way. we had to be detailed and you had to do this by yourself. This was a hard thing to do as you went by each light and had to try and figure out how to get each car lane to be able to turn left and right without indicating lights. You had to include pedestrians in this little exercise. 

For this exercise it was hard even though everyone everywhere is in traffic at some point in there day, for me I don't really think about what way the traffic is and when in the car I'm mostly in my own world, so to be this task it made me really think about the rules of driving and how if you're driving on roads with no left/right indicators you have to know what how/when you can turn left or right, then to make sure that there's no pedestrians that are trying to cross otherwise you would have to let them cross the road. 

Based on this exercise I am very interested in what the outcome of this course module will be. I am very excited to learn more about making games as I have always found the code interesting. I'm looking forward to seeing more of what my lecture has in store for us in this module. I think that I will enjoy this module as it will be a challenge since I have known skills in using unity but i do have experience in using pixi js so this will be something different. 

Farewell for now,


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